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Commercial Conveyancing & Contracts

The firm of Krish Maniam & Co. has highly trained personnel to deal with specific contracts. We have vast experience in this area as we have done listings of public companies, acquisitions and disposal of companies, mergers and restructuring of companies. We also specialize in re-engineering companies that are in distress and like wise facilitate in its financials.

We also provide funding strategies to carry out these exercises for the client and prepare all the related contracts thereto.

We also do substantive due – diligence work both financial and legal due-diligence. This is supported by our investigative team of specialist who both support our due-diligence team as well as carry out fraud investigations, if required.

Finally, this team’s contract is uniquely crafted to preserve our client’s integrity and protect our client from eventualities. Our contracts are drafted with these specialized skills unlike the normal contract by other legal practitioners. Thus, this makes us unique in every way.

This division has both Lawyers and other professionals (like Accountants, Engineers, Bankers, retired enforcement agents etc.) to support them.

Get in touch

Krish Maniam & Co. Advocates & Solicitors
Monday-Friday 9am – 6pm

(+6) (03) 2095 5551
(+6) (03) 2095 2951
No.14, Jalan Medan Setia 2,
Plaza Damansara, Bukit Damansara,
50490 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

London Branch

+44 (0) 208 341 1365
+44 (0) 208 341 1365
5 Broadbent Close, Highgate, London N6
5JW, United Kingdom